Biophysical Journal, Volume 97, Issue 12, 3132-3138 16 December 2009


Quick Shear-Flow Alignment of Biological Filaments for X-ray Fiber Diffraction Facilitated by Methylcellulose

Supporting Material for Sugiyama et al.

Document S1. Figures (PDF 271 kb)
Movie S1 (Small GIF version 730 kb)
Animation illustrating how to make shear flow.
Movie S2 (Small Mpeg version 8509 kb)
Movie showing how to drive the apparatus.
Movie S3 (Samll Mpeg version 5687 kb)
Diffraction patterns when shear flow was given to the axoneme suspension without methylcellulose.
Movie S4 (Sall Mpeg version 5573 kb)
Diffraction patterns of the axonemes