  Isolation of frog sciatic nerve (fast mp4) カエル座骨神経の単離操作動画
  Isolation of frog sciatic nerve (slow mp4) カエル座骨神経の単離操作動画
  Stim test of frog sciatic nerve (mp4) カエル座骨神経の刺激実験動画
  First cell division of sea-urchin eggs (mp4, 1.4M) ウニ卵割微速度撮影映像
  Cleavage of sea-urchin eggs (mp4, 4.1M) ウニ卵割微速度撮影映像
  Cleavage of sea-urchin eggs (mp4, 4.2M) ウニ卵割微速度撮影映像
  Fertilization of H.p. eggs (mp4, 9.7M) ウニ卵受精微速度撮影映像
  Cleavage of sea-urchin eggs (mp4, 21M) ウニ卵割微速度撮影映像
  Cleavage of sea-urchin eggs (mp4, 50M) ウニ卵割微速度撮影映像
  Cleavage of sea-urchin eggs (mp4, 74M) ウニ卵割微速度撮影映像
  Planarian gliding and substration motion (mp4) プラナリア滑走運動動画
  Planarian gliding(mp4) プラナリア滑走運動動画
  Swimming & photophobic reaction in Euglena (mp4, 3.2M) ミドリムシの遊泳

  Other movies:
  [1] Swimming of spermatozoa #1
  [2] Chattonella
  [3] MT diffraction in shearinf flow
  [4] Simulation of microscope imaged of two spots under optical microscope
  [5] Reactivated spermatozoa by quick apply of ATP (high viscosity condition)
  [6] Reactivated spermatozoa by quick apply of ATP (low viscosity condition)
  [7] Spermatozoa of Colobocentrutus (high viscosity condition)
  [8] Spermatozoa of Colobocentrutus (low viscosity condition)
  [9] Swimming of spermatozoa #2 (Please, send me your request, when you wish higher quality videos).


上村慎治 (S. Kamimura)

112-8551 文京区春日1-13-27 
中大・理工・生命科学/2号館 2231/2237
Tel. 03-3817-7105/7188
Fax. 03-3817-7102
@ or @
道 順 ャンパスマップ


Shinji KAMIMURA, Dr.

Department of Biologicla Sciences,
Faculty of Science and Engineering,
Chuo University
Rm 2-2231/2237
Tel. +81-3-3817-7105/7188
@ or @
 Campus Map